天气预报 英语播报 25,day,,,
英语天气预报( ) It's today. It's, , to, , today it will be , wind, 3 to, there, will, be, , , , . Today, the is 25 the, , , , the, day, will, be, 25 The to the or state of time in the , with the : 1. use "will / shall + verb " to the of the . If the of a is a , it may an ". (1) You, ll, feel, , if, you, take, this, ., if you take this , you will feel . (2) John, will, meet, you, at, the, ., John will meet you at the . 2. use the "be going to + verb " to what will be done in the , or infer what will soon on the basis of . (L) What, are, you, going, to, do, ? What are you going to do ? (2) It's, going, to, be, sunny, ., may be sunny (as ). 3. "be + V. - ing" the in the near . Verbs that can be used for this use are: come, go, die, leave, , begin, etc.. The, bus, is, ., the bus is . 4., the tense can be used to time, i.e. the or to occur in with a or . Verbs that can be used for this use are start, leave, come, go, etc.. (1) The, , match, takes, place,, on, ., there is a match on . (2) The term at the of . this will be in early . : about the (1) the are fond of about the ; they are the words of the . Here are some . 1. talk about the in : , day, isn't, it, good , right? 2. about : It's, cold, today, isn't, it? It's cold today, isn't it? It's, very, cold, but, quite, sunny.. It's cold today, but it's sunny. 3. talk about the wind: (1) It's, , windy, today, isn't, it? It's quite windy today, isn't it? (2) It's ., it's very hard today. 4. talk about the in the : (1) It, looks, like, rain, don't, you, think, so? It looks like rain. Don't you think so? (2) It's, quite, windy, and, there's, a, lot, of, snow., the wind is very big, there will be snow. 5. about : (1) It's much too cold/hot. is too cold (hot). (2) It's, hot, for, this, time, of, year, don't, you, think, so? It's too hot for this time of year. Don't you think so? (two) the of : 1.What, bad/good, ! What a (good) ! 2.The radio says the sun will come out later. radio said that the sun would come out later. 3.Most, of, North, and, South, China, will,, have, a, cold, wet, day., North China and Hong Kong will be cold and wet . 4.It, will, be, /rainy, at, times., (You Yu). 5.The, , will, stay, above, zero, in, the, day-time, 但到了晚上,气温又降到零度以下。
白天气温在零度以上,夜间又降到零度以下。 6、北京将是晴朗的。北京晴。 7。今天的气温是多少?今天的气温是多少? 45 课教学设计方案 Ⅰ。教学目标 1。学习关于天气、谈新单词。 2。学会使用感叹句。 三.教学的一个新的时态一般将来时态。 Ⅱ。性能 录音机,投影仪,计算机 Ⅲ。教学重点:一般将来时态,感叹句。 Ⅳ。教学程序 领先 1。教师身披一件厚外套天气预报 英语播报,进班和学生打招呼时做出很冷的样子说: 今天天气多冷啊!但课堂上很暖和。所以我会脱掉外套。 然后把外套脱掉 2。把冷、暖两词写在黑板上,问学生:你听天气预报了吗?然后放一段当天的天气预报的英语录音,将录音中出现的形容天气的词写在黑板上并解释。 多云,晴朗,多雨,潮湿,多风,下雪 演示 让我们看看山西未来 24 小时的天气情况。太原的气温将从十八度降到二十八度。强风将到达大同市,那里可能会造成大量降雨,气温将在十六到二十六之间。阳泉将是最高温度三十度的晴天。临汾将有风,气温将在二十三到三十二度之间。我们会在运城炎热的一天。它的温度将保持在二十八到三十四。 1。英国东南部偶尔会有阵雨天气预报 英语播报,其中有些可能很重。
英格兰东南部有短时阵雨,部分地区会转成大雨。 2。地区为干燥晴朗的天气,只是光的散射而变得多云阵雨,傍晚在北爱尔兰。 其余大部分地区为干燥晴朗的天气,局部地区有小阵雨,夜间,北爱尔兰地区云量会有所增加。 三.今晚有阵雨阵雨,留下一个干燥的夜晚与一些明确的时期。 今天夜间没有降雨,将保持干燥晴朗。 4。较厚的云,偶尔有雨或小雨,会在夜间蔓延到西部一些地区。 夜间,西部地区云量增加会导致短时小雨出现。 5。星期六将与西部地区主要小雨爆发的一个多云的天,缓慢东移,不过中部和东部部分地区仍将保持干燥。 本周六是多云的天气,西部地区将有小雨, And will move , but much of the and parts of the East will dry. From, , will, to, , it, be, , with, , , in, , and, , areas, , ,, , and, hills. to next will be with in the West and , and and areas with more . , is, , dry, with, some, , but, heavy, , , ,, and, ,, , on, . The rest is dry and sunny, but heavy rain is in and next .